Dr. Lior Mayo
Research work
The Mayo lab strives to understand the mechanisms of autoimmunity and inflammation that underlie neurologic diseases and translate these laboratory discoveries into new therapies.
Areas of interest & scientific knowledge
Brain Disorders Research
Cellular & Molecular Neuroscience
Selected Publications
- Perelroizen R, Philosof B, Budick-Harmelin N, Chernobylsky T, Ron A, Katzir R, Shimon D, Tessler A, Adir O, Gaoni-Yogev A, Meyer T, Krivitsky A, Shidlovsky N, Madi A, Ruppin E, Mayo L. Astrocyte immunometabolic regulation of the tumour microenvironment drives glioblastoma pathogenicity. Brain. 2022 Sep 14;145(9):3288-3307 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35899587
- Meyer T, Shimon D, Youssef S, Yankovitz G, Tessler A, Chernobylsky T, Gaoni-Yogev A, Perelroizen R, Budick-Harmelin N, Steinman L, Mayo L. NAD+ metabolism drives astrocyte proinflammatory reprogramming in central nervous system autoimmunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Aug 30;119(35) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35994674
- Chao CC, Gutiérrez-Vázquez C, Rothhammer V, Mayo L, Wheeler MA, Tjon EC,Zandee SEJ, Blain M, de Lima KA, Takenaka MC, Avila-Pacheco J, Hewson P, Liu L, Sanmarco LM, Borucki DM, Lipof GZ, Trauger SA, Clish CB, Antel JP, Prat A, Quintana FJ. Metabolic Control of Astrocyte Pathogenic Activity via cPLA2-MAVS.Cell. 2019 Dec 12;179(7):1483-1498.e22 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31813625
- Benbenishty A, Gadrich M, Cottarelli A, Lubart A, Kain D, Amer M, Shaashua L, Glasner A, Erez N, Agalliu D, Mayo L, Ben-Eliyahu S, Blinder P. Prophylactic TLR9 stimulation reduces brain metastasis through microglia activation. PLoS Biol. 2019 Mar 28;17(3). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30921319
- Mayo L, Trauger SA, Blain M, Nadeau M, Patel B, Alvarez JI, Mascanfroni ID, Yeste A, Kivisäkk P, Kallas K, Ellezam B, Bakshi R, Prat A, Antel JP, Weiner HL, Quintana FJ. Regulation of astrocyte activation by glycolipids drives chronic CNS inflammationץ. Nat Med. 2014 Oct;20(10):1147-56. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25216636