About Sagol School of Neuroscience

The Sagol School of Neuroscience is Israel’s leading neuroscience school and the largest hub for brain research and education in the country. The School fosters innovative research and collaboration between 170 research groups at eight faculties across the Tel Aviv University campus and at 17 affiliated medical centers. It operates neuroscience education programs at all levels – four interdisciplinary BSc, MSc, PhD and post-doctoral programs, with a total of over 500 students.

The School’s mission is threefold:

  • Education: Training a new generation of leaders and innovators in the neuroscience field
  • Research: Advancing pioneering interdisciplinary research
  • Development: Developing state-of-the-art approaches and technologies for understanding brain function and dysfunction and for combating brain disorders


We’re often asked, “So what are your strengths?”

The Sagol School assembles existing neuroscience programs under one administrative roof, allowing, for the first time, centralization coupled with diversification in the pursuit of excellence. The curriculum committee, along with leading international consultants, work to enrich the teaching facilities to encompass broad collaborations and student-exchange programs. 


Tel Aviv University has the highest number of neuroscientists in Israel. We have more than 150 laboratories affiliated with us, with researchers covering all disciplines, aiming to unravel the various mechanisms of the most complex and mysterious organ in the human body, using a broad range of highly advanced technologies. For example, our researchers, in the disciplines of molecular and cellular neuroscience, are busy revealing the link between genetics and mental disorders, a key step in the development of newer and more effective treatments.


Behavioral and cognitive neuroscience

Tel Aviv University is the leading academic institute in Israel in the field of behavioral and cognitive neuroscience. While revealing the mysteries of the brain at the cellular and molecular levels is extremely important for understanding how the brain works, the ultimate question is always how these mechanisms are translated into how we behave, think, remember, and feel. The behavioral and cognitive researchers at Tel Aviv University focus their efforts on revealing the relationships between the brain and human behavior in normal and pathological conditions.


Groundbreaking therapeutic developments

Tel Aviv University is the world leader in developing innovative treatments for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurological diseases as well as psychiatric disorders and brain cancer. In collaboration with doctors at 17 affiliated hospitals, researchers at Tel Aviv University are making strides in deciphering the genetics of mental disorders, improving diagnostics, and progress toward preventive and personalized treatments.


Imaging facilites

Our researchers enjoy access to three major neuroimaging centers on campus: the Edersheim Levi-Gitter fMRI Institute for the human brain; the Strauss Center for Computational Neuro-Imaging, which uses MRI technology to create computerized images of the nervous systems of small animals; and the Sackler Cellular and Molecular Imaging Center (SCMIC), which performs cellular, molecular, and in vivo imaging. Tel Aviv University is constantly improving techniques for structural and functional imaging of the brain, as well as techniques for cellular and molecular imaging. 

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