Dr. Einat Shetreet

Dr. Einat Shetreet

Research work

In the lab, we study language processing and language learning using behavioral and neurocognitive techniques (fMRI/ERP). We focus on the comprehension of implied meaning and its relation to other cognitive abilities.

Areas of interest & scientific knowledge

Behavioral Neuroscience

Cognitive Neuroscience

Imaging Research

Selected Publications
  • Shetreet, E., Palti, D., Friedmann, N., & Hadar, U. (2007). Cortical representation of verb processing in sentence comprehension: Number of complements, subcategorization and thematic frames. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 1958-1969.
  • Shetreet, E., Chierchia, G., & Gaab, N. (2014). When some is not every: Dissociating scalar implicature generation and mismatch. Human Brain Mapping, 35, 1503-1514.
  • Shetreet, E., Chierchia, G., & Gaab, N. (2014). Linguistic inability or poor performance: Dissociating scalar implicature generation and mismatch in the developing brain. Developmental Psychology, 50, 2264-2275.
  • Shetreet, E., Romoli J., Chierchia, G., Kuperberg, G. (2019). What we know about knowing: An ERP study of presuppositions. Cognition, 184, 96-106.
  • Shetreet, E., & Novogrodsky, R. (accepted). Morphosyntactic cues for quantifier comprehension in children. Learning and language development. 


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